SARABHAI Fellowship Coordinator

Aleena Joseph joined Spaceport SARABHAI for coordinating the SARABHAI fellowship program for young professionals and students. Aleena graduated from Manipal University in 2021 with a Masters in International Relations and Geopolitics where she focused on science and technology policies with a specific focus on space policy.

She has a multidisciplinary background with her Bachelors in Physics. Currently with the Netherlands Innovation Network India, hosted by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Bengaluru, Aleena is working on bringing Indo-Dutch partnerships in the space sector. She is also part of Asia Pacific Oceania Space Association (APOSA) and leads their podcast channel "Space Smurfs" for bringing in awareness and outreach for the several disciplines in the space sector today. In her previous capacity, she was also the National Point of Contact for Space Generation Advisory Council and an active member of SGAC.


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